Underpinning Principles

Personal Growth/Leadership
Men Up North use a combination of techniques from evidence based positive psychology, neuro linguistic programming, emotional intelligence, coaching, movement and philosophy to create effective and detailed sessions. Our unique group coaching sessions have been designed to take the men on a journey of self-discovery, with a new piece of learning at the start of every session. This helps to increase self-awareness. This type of coaching session is usually only accessible to those in leadership positions; however, we believe this knowledge should be made accessible to everyone regardless of background.
Safe space conversations
Our coaching sessions have been developed from previous feedback to ensure they are constantly being assessed and adapted to ensure the men who attend our sessions are getting the most they can out of them. The sessions allow men to take off the ‘masks’ they wear in society and have real, open and honest talks with other men in a safe environment.
The format has been developed by Angga who has personally facilitated over 700 groups in countries such as the UK, Portugal, Spain, Malaysia and Belgium, for SMEs to corporates.
- Stand together
- Look out for each other
- Remember we have support
- It is okay not to be okay
- A level of self-responsibility to reach out and talk