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    Join us on a day’s workshop on 
outdoor skills experience including tree felling, tool use/whittling, fire lighting and campfire.
    It’s open to all men with special invites for men from diverse backgrounds.
    In a recent study, Natural England announced that just 26.2 per cent of black individuals spend time in nature, compared to 44.2 per cent of white people.
    According to a separate report, only 1 per cent of visitors to UK national parks come from a Black, Asian, Minority or Ethnic (BAME) background. 
 As a diverse community of men, MEN UP NORTH, we would like to change this. Our community ranges from the ages of 18-72 from 15 different heritage backgrounds. 
    Men up North is a platform for genuine discussion relating to men’s health and wellbeing. Bringing people from all walks of life together to share, listen and to gain an understanding of the different perspectives on this matter. 
    Safe space for men to take off the different masks we wear in society and have honest, open, non-judgemental discussions.