(Most Sundays 12pm – 3 pm)
We are a group of men on a journey to healthier practices, and we have decided to work on improving our relationship with nature.
We have discovered that getting our hands in the dirt every now and again,not only affects our mental health positively, but also gives us a little smile and satisfaction to bring back to the city. There is much we are learning by developing this piece of land together, and it provides us with a great feeling of authenticity!
Here at the allotment, and as part of Men Up North, we promote healthy habits and relationships between our peer-members. We kindly invite our visitors to consider participating in one of our group conversations prior to attendance so they can familiarise themselves with our work and behavioral principles.
We are building a community of men who can peer-mentor each other. On site, we practice leadership, decision making, problem solving, and co-operation. We are passionate about growth and are getting our hands in the dirt, all the while learning a set of skills that are necessary, essential and sustainable.
We love the way our community allotment is developing, over 50 men have already participated in transforming this glass and junk filled piece of land into a safe environment for men to come and engage in a variety of natural activities.
Our meetings are mostly being held on Sundays 12 till 3 (weather permitting). Some sessions can be organised on other days. Find out when our next event is on the activity calendar.
We can also organise corporate volunteering days in the allotment.
Most recently we had some staff from Virgin Media helping us clear the hedges and paint our new shelter.
Please register before you visit to ensure someone is there.